How to Maintain Industrial Pleated Bellows

Each component of the machinery that we use to work is in the type of industry that needs maintenance and observation in order to determine when a part needs to be replaced.

The ideal and most advisable thing is to do a periodic review of all the components and not wait to change or replace them only when they have already been broken, because in this way what we achieve is a considerable loss of time and a reduction in production.


If you need to install bellows in your machinery systems, do not hesitate to contact us today.


We must bear in mind that for the bellows to function properly and without long-term problems, there must be a correct assembly, proper maintenance and cleaning.

If you are interested in knowing the basic care and maintenance of pleated bellows used in industrial machinery, this post is for you.


Maintenance and cleaning of the bellows

We start with the premise that we know that determining preventive maintenance is the basis for a long and correct use of the bellows, and for this the following aspects must be considered:

● Check that they work correctly.

● Clean the bellows

● Maintenance or replacement of parts


Visual check of operation

For this, it will be enough with a weekly optical inspection in which the condition and operation of the bellows will be evaluated, and detecting the parts with wear is essential, which should be controlled to take into account their replacement or repair, regardless of their time of use. .

There will also be the case that you find yourself with premature wear, and these must be determined and located to correct the causes to avoid new damage to the structure of the bellows and that do not affect the performance of its work.


Bellows cleaning

It is advisable to carry out a regular cleaning according to its use or level of contamination, and for this depending on the bellows and the type of machinery, it is recommended to clean it every day or week to week.

This type of action will ensure good maintenance of the bellows of the industrial machinery as well as of the machine itself, preventing chips and other materials from entering the interior, preventing their proper functioning and avoiding the risk of unwanted breakdowns and accidents.

In the same way, from Botou TongYong Bellows Manufacturing Co., Ltd,  we recommend carrying out at least a visual inspection at intervals of one month, evaluating damage, wear or operating limitations such as dirt that can be found in the guide area, in the part to be protected, as well as the appearance of noises.



Maintenance and replacement of the bellows elements

In order for the bellows to fulfill their function correctly, they must be in good condition, otherwise the quality of the functions that the bellows provides to the machinery would be reduced.



The bellows covers are composed of special synthetic layers that have been developed to be applied to tools, machines, devices and installations in the workplace.

They do not require maintenance although they must be cleaned regularly to remove dirty oils, metal chips and other dirt that can damage the bellows cover.

Damage to the bellows cover requires a complete bellow replacement as repairs are not normally cost-effective.


Metallic foils

Since we are involved in the maintenance of industrial folding bellows, it is also necessary to check that there are no possible damages in the bellows sheets that could influence the sealing of the elements to each other.

In the event that they are damaged and therefore it is limiting the tightness or correct operation of the bellows, the sheets that have been damaged must be replaced. In addition, it must be checked that none of the fastening clips is missing or damaged.

This type of action will be carried out by qualified personnel.


Bellows guides and rollers

Like the metal sheets, we are faced with some components that must be replaced by qualified personnel in the event that due to intensive use they are seen to be damaged by metal chips, wear or deformation that cause limitations in their operation.


Stretch limitation systems for pleat bellows

Due to continued use, the bellows may fail, malfunction or void, which should be checked by qualified personnel to assess their possible repair or, failing that, proceed to replacement.


Scissors problem

In the event of excessive play in the guides, bearings or bolts, it would be necessary to repair, adjust or replace the scissors system.


Mooring frames

To finish and obtain good maintenance of the industrial pleat bellows, it would be to check the part of the grip frames, formed by the plates, the angles and the flat steel pieces of the same following the following procedure:


● Check that the state of the mooring frames is in good condition to perform its function, and if they are in poor condition they must be repaired and if the damage is irreparable replace them.

● Check that there is a perfect fit between the frames and the bellows.

● Check that the element used to seal the frames is in good condition, for example, silicone, and must be renewed if it is damaged or loose due to its mechanical effect or by external agents used such as aggressive refrigerants.


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