How do flexible hose connectors work in the application?

Hose connectors are used to connect pumps to piping, and many problems can occur at this connection unless the proper hose connectors are in place to handle them. At this critical connection, piping misalignment, thermal expansion and other problems can occur that can lead to seal leaks, coupling problems and bearing issues. The right pump connector will also isolate pump vibration, which can build up and cause great harm if not managed through good connectors.

Stainless Steel Metal Hose

The root cause of all these problems is the need to handle the nozzle load to reduce the pressure at that single point, and that's where flexible pump connectors come in. To disperse the pressure at the pump and pipe connection, there are four main types of pump connectors offered, each of which is a good solution for a specific type of situation.

Rubber joints perform very similarly to expansion joints and are ideal for absorbing noise and absorbing vibration, but are not the best choice for chemical or high temperature applications. Braided hose connectors are well suited for use in high temperature applications and they have a much longer life expectancy than rubber pump connectors. They can also be used with any type of fitting, which makes them very flexible in terms of where they can be used.

Metal bellows pump joints handle thermal expansion and high temperature applications as well as high pressure situations very well, and they are ideal for use with most chemicals except extremely corrosive ones. PTFE connectors can handle even the most corrosive chemicals and typically have the longest life of any pump connector, although they tend to be expensive.


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