Expansion Joints – Designed To Withstand Extreme Pressure

Expansion Joints are designed to withstand and adjust to extreme pressure and temperature ranges within systems that are exposed to these elements on a regular basis. You can find these in buildings, pipes, bridges and other structure types where joints are needed. They are a key factor in the longevity and security to prevent unnatural cracking and breaking providing flexibility with limited movement.

Expansion Joints

These also extend the life and lower the maintenance needs for these areas allowing personnel to focus on more sensitive issues and hardware. There are a variety of different kinds of joints but each is specifically designed for individual purposes and tasks. As a contractor when you purchase, you need to ensure that you buy the exact type that is made for the project you are working on. Ask about pricing, their inspection process and shipping and only ever deal with companies that have a reputation for supplying quality equipment.

The Hinged Expansion Joint, or hinged bellows, is used where angular movement occurs on a single plane level so load and weight pressure are the primary concerns addressed with this tool. While they are made to withstand the elements, special care should be taking during transportation and installation to prevent damage and warping of these parts. When they are initially received at the job site they should be inspected for corrosion, metal twisting and anything else that could affect their performance.

The public relies on the safe and accurate installation during construction so it is essential that only the best parts are used and that they are placed correctly where they belong. This is double checked during the inspection to spot any errors or issues with the equipment itself. There may be accessories that are needed to be used in conjunction with the joint so ensure that these are included in your checklist and order for the complete ensemble.


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